Implementation of robotisation in 5 steps

kwi 21, 2020

Robotisation of production processes is certainly a great facilitation for every entrepreneur. However, it is important not to think that a single robot will be the solution to all the company’s challenges. In addition, the implementation of robotisation must be appropriately prepared.

How to plan and implement robotisation?


The serious decision to automate and robotise production processes requires professional analyses. The following steps briefly illustrate the whole process:

  1. Defining the business goal and budget – how does robotisation improve manufacturing? As an example, a robot can be a response to a lack of precision when it comes to details. Such a decision, however, entails further steps. The result of the robot’s performance may differ from the previous ones and it will be necessary to robotise further production processes in order to complete the whole process. Therefore, the budget earmarked for this purpose should be well designed.
  2. Detailed development of project guidelines – which installations need to be prepared for a successful robotisation? Do the costs not overrun the budget? How many workplaces need to be robotised to ensure that the results are as expected? These are questions that should be answered before the project is prepared.
  3. Consideration of future development plans – if the technical analysis was positive, it is worth to determine the next phases of robotisation at the level of the first project. It is an investment in permanent development, which will undoubtedly have an excellent effect.
  4. Application testing – which can be time-consuming, but it is not worth shortening the process. A comprehensive analysis of the robot’s performance is absolutely necessary. This is particularly relevant for innovative solutions, so-called R&D investments.
  5. Upgrading the qualifications of employees – the robot position should be handled by the employee. Programming knowledge is also necessary; hence the personnel must have appropriate qualifications. Frequently, this task is entrusted to qualified engineers.



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