Industrial robots and their tasks

kwi 21, 2020

Progressing robotisation is a fact. More and more often robots are used in our country as well. And moreover, in companies representing a wide range of industries. As a matter of principle, Polish companies decide to implement robots in two situations, i.e. when robots can replace people in heavy, repetitive or dangerous work and when a given activity is repetitive and should be performed as soon as possible.

Increasing productivity, better exploitation of human potential, the ability to relocate employees to other tasks – these are the most significant opportunities offered by robotisation to enterprises from various sectors. What are the tasks of industrial robots? The capabilities of contemporary robots are briefly presented below. The most basic usage of robots in industry is as follows:

  • mechanical processing – industrial robots are able to successfully perform various activities in the field of drilling, machining, grinding, cutting, bending, polishing, milling, etc. They can handle many different materials;
  • welding – industrial robots can weld precisely using a variety of welding techniques. Arc, laser and hybrid welding are possible. Automation is a guarantee of the highest precision and speed, which is impossible for a human-welder to achieve;
  • palletisation is one of the most frequent applications of industrial robots. With the robot a fast palletising of cardboard packaging, bags, glass objects, finished parts etc. is possible;
  • loading and unloading machines – robots are suitable for working with presses, injection moulding machines, machine tools, etc.;
  • handling of automated production lines;
  • assembly of ready-to-use components;
  • painting and varnishing works – using a precisely working industrial robot allows to obtain a very high standard of painted or varnished surface. As a result of the robots, material can be saved, while at the same time personnel working in harmful conditions can be relieved;
  • cleaning of machinery, production lines, etc.
  • dosing and sorting.


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