Robotisation and reduction of tasks in the organisation

kwi 21, 2020

It is unavoidable that robotisation and automation are transforming the industry. Also the domestic industry. In this context, new technological solutions from these areas are successfully implemented in businesses representing various industries. It is common to hear opinions that robotisation will translate into a decline in employment. But perhaps it is worth treating robotisation as an opportunity to reduce tasks, and not as a phenomenon that inevitably leads to redundancies?

According to experts, currently as much as 49% of the working time in our country is devoted to tasks that can be relatively easily automated by 2030. And that even with the technologies that already exist today!

Quite often robotisation is associated with the introduction of machinery into those areas of activity that involve the performance of simple, mechanical operations. But it seems that there’s a lot more to it than that. It is absolutely possible to effectively robotise broadly understood business processes, which often include repetitive tasks that do not require man-made assessment. Reviewing applications, issuing invoices, sending documents to customers, generating reports, downloading e-mail attachments – these are just a few examples of such activities. Actually, it is enough to program a robot only once, so that it is able to perform such tasks flawlessly – even 24 hours a day.

Noteworthy though, the introduction of such solutions is possible in both large and small enterprises. In most cases, modern RPA tools work well at the user interface level – and this technology is also available to smaller businesses. Such systems are capable of successfully handling processes of sales, HR, administrative, accounting, etc.

At the moment, the robotisation of office processes is a rarity in our country. But the possibilities are enormous! It is important to remember that robots are able to help people in their most arduous duties, for example by entering data. As a consequence, employees can use their time in a more creative manner. Besides, the introduction of robotisation is associated with the necessity of employing professionals and the creation of new occupations.


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